Laz Vic


Laz Vic Wins Meadowlands Comedy Contest!

Hi-Ho folks. What an amazing weekend at the Meadowlands Comedy Club. I just want to say a big Thank You to everyone who came out to see the show. The audience was fantastic.  All the comedians that performed rocked the house and I just want to give a special shout-out to the runner up Mario Lucena who had them rolling. Shout out to Pete Rock who always Rocks. Nick, Craig, Rexon, George Jenkins Jr, and the ref Johnny MCcarthy! If I missed a name its because there was like 12 of you and my memory doesn't last that long! Big Thanks to Joe Loesner for putting together yet another great show!  meadowlands_contest3



The Peanut Gallery Anniversary - Ramapo's Comedy Troupe

Today March 14th marks the 14th anniversary of the very first PEANUT GALLERY SHOW at Ramapo College. The Peanut Gallery was Ramapo COllege's first and foremost comedy troupe. Founded by Josh Ritter, Rob Pantano, Christine D'Agostino and myself we tackled everything from slap-stick comedy to political satire. Here is a clip from our very first show. SAMURAI BREATH SPRAY

The Apple Geek's Creed

Apple Geek LazMy Macbook is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My Mac, without me, is useless. Without my Mac, I am useless. I must fire on my Mac true. I must type faster than my enemy who is trying to hack me. I must hack him before he hacks me. I will...

My Mac and I know that what counts in this cyberwar is not the ram we install, the noise of our fans, nor the websites we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will get hits...

My Mac is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its i-sights and its OSX. I will keep my Mac clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...

Before God, I swear this creed. My Macbook and I are the defenders of my Wifi. We are the masters of our Network. We are the saviors of my life.

So be it, until victory is Apples's and there is no enemy, but peace!

Why I didn't take the Gig.

Hollywood as we know it, is going through a change. I call it the slowly dying a slow painful death phase. The war on cable is being waged and won by the so-called cable cutters who care little about paying for cable and instead opt for cheap, and in many cases, free on demand Internet TV. I am one of those people. Increasingly the entertainment found on the internet is better than real TV and Hollywood can't or won't keep up. With the saturation of reality shows, clip shows, and about 100 horrible TV channels that just air repeats of Cops; you have to wonder what has happened to our entertainment and how this has adversely affected the industry. TV shows used to be 25-28min in length, now with the amount of commercials jammed in, its more like 20min of actual show. Late at night I can't even enjoy watching Family Guy without a huge billboard advertisement blocking half my screen. Family Guy Ad

Last week my very aloof agent contacts me for a "major" audition. A national commercial for a beer company. The "Principal speaking" role paid a whopping $450 US dollars. So lets do the math:

They want me to go audition - Day 1 = $0 IF they like me they will have me back for a callback audition - Day 2 = $0 IF I then pass these two auditions and book the job - Day 3 =$450...maybe That translates to $150.00 per day IF and only IF I book the job.

I'm sorry fellow thespians but to me that is just unacceptable. A national commercial for a major brand used to pay an average of 30k for a year of use. Now they want to pay us bus fare to exploit us on TV, Internet, and publications. WTF?! Some of you may say, "Yea but you'll be on TV"... my answer to that is, BLEH! That is precisely the mentality that is eating up all the good and real entertainment to save a buck. Fake Fame is winning out over Real Talent.

Even though it was a principal speaking role to air nationally they still called it a non-union job. Your kidding right? I think the words, "Contract work" and "Non-Union roles" are now synonyms for Bullshit.

I don't even like beer!

For the first time in a long time I turned down the possibility of work. Call it blind integrity.

Your thoughts?