Laz Vic


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Somewhere in T.V. Land

It has been 2 days since my last post. It seems that in order for me to reach a computer to post this blog I must first face harrowing obstacles and battle unpredictable circumstances, exiting unscathed.

*Metal in My Rubber

Monday night I went out on a munchy run and on the way back heard a thumping as if I had a flat tire. Upon further investigation I discovered a peice of metal lodged smack in the middle of my back tire. Being that their was a potential for catastrophe, I completely ignored the problem but used it as a great excuse not to go into work the next morning. Instead of using that time to fix the tire I caught up on some sleep probably risking life and limb for the ride to work the next morning. I did make it to work and dropped off the car at a Sears Auto Center near by. I bring in the car for a simple tire fix and recieve a call from them asking for $200 to fix a legion of other problems.

-My brakes are failing - Big deal.

-My exhausts is falling off - Who cares.

-The car may explode - Tell me something new.

Anyway, I told them to fix the tire.


Despite the rain, or should I say typhoon, we had a great show. As you know it is taped live at the improv comedy club every tuesday night. This week we had an author and finalist in this years Sundance Film Festival - Sofia Quintero. Also musical guest Q-Unique and the very funny comedian D.C. Benny of Last Comic Standing and a Comedy Central half hour special. This week I played a character named, "Eleganzia" (Elegance). I recieved the script a few hours before the show and quickly decided on a costume. I wore an open collared shirt with a thin black mustache and sunglases. He was to enter and explain to our host what he must do to be a proper star. Although it was a very short cameo appearence it is important to have a well rounded character to acheive comedic affect. If I don't beleive me or care about this persona, neither will any audience. The skit went over very well with our audience. In fact all the comedy bits went over very well, the entire show is entertaining from start to finish.

It's easy when you have the opportunity to work with such a fantastic cast and crew. I'm not the type to blow smoke up butts but I have to say this particular group of people are a pleasure to work with. They are professional, dedicated, and talented. From the actors to the camera men to the directors, they all do a phenomenal job of making this show fly. For the first time in a long time I don't feel stressed and I actually enjoy the work. They allow us creative freedom and a chance to explore comedic possiblity. These people have become my friends as well as business associates and with the integrity of their work their is no limit to what we can acheive. With each show their is more improvment and I can honestly say that this show has class and quailty. It demonstrates our strenths as latinos and proves that our culture isn't to much different from everyone elses. We are all human after all.

Until next time my fellow humans - Farewell.


I'm Alive!

Well folks the results from my check-up are in, with the exception of my high Cholesterol, blood circulation and heart murmur I'm in tip top shape!

I'm just glad it Friday, I'm burnt out from the week and need a little R&R. The New York Comedy Club called to book me for spots this weekend, but with my schedule lately and all the work I have on the T.V. show, one must know when to take time for oneself.

So I get a call yesterday from a comic friend of mine that is closely attached to a certain theatre group in NYC that I used to work for. Out of professional courtesy I shall not mention said theatre group here even though they aren't very professional. So for all intensive purposes I shall refer to them as, "The Assholes". Anyway this particular person I happen to respect, it's the rest of them I don't care for. He asked me why I haven't called or shown my face in a month. I wanted to say, "Because after working for "The Assholes", for so many years being treated like an outcast, having lies spread about me, not be appreciated, respected, or payed I decided to take my business elsewhere. I did not say the above, again out of respect for my friend who often was put in the middle.

Why am I posting this? Becasue I want to let all those beginning Actors, Comedians, Singers, and general Entertainers know that even if you don't posses the experience that does not mean you should be treated like dirt. I poured blood sweat and tears into that group and while I gained much as an artist it was without their help. This business is full of people that talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Directors that cherish their powers more than they love the craft. Producers who make you believe they are working for your best interests when really your working for theirs. Be realistic when going to auditions and don't be taken by the, "Your going to be a star", mentality. Its just a business based on making money and you are the product. Honestly look at where you are in your career and take the projects for what they are, a credit, a learning experience, a stepping stone toward a better gig. Many of you already know these facts but it's always good to reiterate. These people have no control over your career - only you do.

So NOW after trashing me for no reason what so ever besides extreme jealousy, they want me for a future show. THEY CAN KISS MY BROWN ASS!!! Hows that for control.

On that note - HAPPY FRIDAY!

Until we meet again.

Weekends a Busy

This blog is really for my future self to read, I hardly think anyone cares to read this blog out of the millions of them out there. Anyhoot, in case I reach one soul.

This weekend was pretty standard. I was slated to shoot a few skits at the Bronx Zoo but hence the producers cancelled due to what they called, "A complication with the zoo". I wasn't too disappointed since it was raining cats and dogs or should I said Lions and Bears.

Every Sunday is the comedy show at the Boston Comedy Club in the Villiage. I love the Villiage people. It's one of the few bohemian places left in the city. I consider myself to be a conservative hippy and enjoy their company.

The show started at 9:45pm - kinda late. I went up first, after the host of course, and while the audience seemed a bit subdued by the end of my set I felt I had bought their energy up at least a notch or two. It was a smaller crowd, about 25 people. I find you can work the crowd more and my material less with a crowd like that, you have to get more personal in order to win them over.

Jim Norton of Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn fame stopped by and did a set. I think its interesting that once your on T.V. you can come in and pretty much crash any room you want. While I understand the need for semi-celebs to give the room credibility I can not understand bumping another comedian simply on the fact that he isn't on T.V. In any case, as he was leaving, I shook his hand in recognition as I do all of the other comics and off he went back to T.V. land.

Today, Monday, I'm beyond tired but I have to pay the bills so here I am at my day job. Ahh Corporate America, surrounded by yuppies. At least I killed some time writing this blog on company time ;) Until next time - I bid you Adue.

9/16/04 Hello Myself

This is my first blog. I decided to document my experiences with the world, or the 3 folks that may read this because like everyone else, it is my unique perspective. I am a Comedian in New York City. That's basically the extent to my uniqueness.